A Little Note from Me



I am now in my mid 50’s and have met and conquered some of the challenges sent my way. Without tempting fate no doubt there’ll be one or two more!

I was born in a little coastal town called Seaham Harbour on the North East coast of England in 1952 and even though I have lived in different places over the years I still have a fondness for ‘home’.

Born the second child of a Staff Sergeant in the British Army we moved around to several bases throughout England in my formative years so I was well used to meeting new people and settling quite readily into new schools, the reason I mention this is that I feel it gave me a good grounding and has helped considerably now that I have settled in Ireland.

I am the Mother of two wonderful sons who have brought me great joy and pride over the years, my Father died many years ago but thank God I still have a fantastic Mother who although frail still shows the old Geordie spirit and will not go without having her say.

I mentioned above that I have settled in Ireland, and the reason that my life has brought me here is due to having met a ‘Dub’ on one of my jaunts. A Dub for those who don’t know the term is an Irish endearment for those born in Dublin [sorry to point out what may have been obvious!] We’ve had our highs and lows as all couples do and now that we have settled down together he is the rock that I needed in my life, he is ‘there’ for me as the saying goes.

On my home page I mention that John has been the inspiration for several of my poems and that is very true, but I would also like to give a mention to my late husband Stephen who died too young and should have lived to enjoy life to the full. Stephen lived his life as he wanted to and I do not berate him but look back at the good times that we shared.

It’s not easy to condense your life into a few words but I feel that after reading my poems you’ll maybe have a better understanding of the real me!

Good luck and good health to all who pass my way.

Love Carol x
